Behind Each Rainbow | SIXTYsecond Motion October


When my daughter gets her mind and heart set on something, it takes a lot of convincing to get her to let it go. After being introduced to the Lion King for the umpteenth time, she is suddenly a massive fan!! She’s even more obsessed with the Lion Guard, and wants nothing to do with anything else. So much so that she pretends that her white lion that she received as a baby from a friend of ours is her Simba turned Kion, and goes everywhere we let her take him. So when I briefly mentioned the fact that our local zoo has a monkey like Rafiki, all she asked to do for a little over a week was to go to the zoo to see “the monkey with the rainbow booty.” I finally gave in to her request, and took her and her little brother to the zoo. We are zoo members, and have utilized said membership quite often this year! It has always been a favorite activity of mine, so I’m perfectly happy taking them… most of the time.

Little did we know that we would be a bit disappointed in finding out that they no longer have the rainbow booty monkey, and that he now lives at Disney World.

I know, right??? I’m jealous too!!

I’m blessed to have a pretty resilient little girl who takes life’s disappointment pretty well. She bounced back rather quickly after pouting for a brief moment, and we enjoyed the rest of our time wandering around the zoo. Particularly when the boy lion and several of his lionesses were hanging out in plain sight.

This entire interactive adventure is likely nothing I would remember later on in life. It’s a small blip on the radar of all things life, and with my horrible mom brain I’m sure it would quickly fade away into the abyss. But the beauty of having such a wonderful treasure to go back and watch and to be reminded of the silliness that is my children and the excitement expressed over the small things is quite the gift! I can also only imagine just how much I will melt into a puddle when I hear the sounds of their sweet voices at this age in years to come. This… this is the beauty of a family film!


I’ve loved the challenge of our monthly videos that the SIXTYsecond Motion ladies and I have worked to accomplish. It’s pushed me, and helped me to grow in this new art medium that I have taken on! To see more of what the other artists have produced, head over to the lovely Renee McDaniel’s blog of Renee McDaniel Photography to see her beautiful film of her adorable daughter exploring the wonder of nature!

And of course, to have me come and film your family doing all of the wonderful family things that you do, just click that button below and let’s make it happen!! I’m happy to piece together your story that will bring tears to your eyes and a smile to your face for years to come!

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