Christmas - What Family Feels Like - Miertschin Family


My biggest goals as a parent is to instill faith, discipline, character and love into the hearts of my children. Along with all of that, I hope to leave them with family memories that they will have to look back on from so many of our life experiences together.

Memories are a funny thing. Looking back on my childhood, it's always the little things that stand out to me as the most cherished. Not the big occasions, although those memories are there too, but the little daily moments. My dad wrestling with us on the floor, and letting us ride on his back while we yelled "giddy up horsey!!" The afternoons after school when my brothers and I would go up to work with our mom and help her with whatever project she was working on that day for the children's ministry, and of course the delicious chicken, rice and gravy meals that she would make for us every Sunday after church. Coming home to the aroma of the chicken filling the entire house while it cooked in the crock pot while we were at church that morning. Mmmmm, I can almost smell the yummy goodness now! It was always so special when things went from something we did, and turned into something we ALWAYS did.


Christmas has always held, and still holds, a special place in my heart! I love all of the joining together of efforts to decorate the house as a family. The making of gingerbread houses, Christmas cookies, handmade ornaments, as well as watching all of the fun Christmas movies. And of course there's all of those wonderful Christmas programs and Christmas Eve candlelight services, reminding us of just what, or rather who, it's all about. I don't remember a single present that I received as a child, but what I do remember is Christmas morning excitement when we woke mom and dad up much too early(sometimes getting sent back to bed because it was too early). The reading about the birth of Jesus from the Bible and praying a thankful prayer before opening a single present on Christmas morning. And of course sitting down around the table with all of the ones I love the most to enjoy Christmas dinner. 

It's all the perfect recipe for exactly how family feels! The feeling of family is exactly what I set out to provide to Mark, Jenny and the rest of the Miertschin crew at their Christmas Story Session.  

The setting up of the Christmas tree. The sorting through of the ornaments. The looking back on the old Christmas cards from the years before and talking about how so much has changed since then. The laughter, the silliness, and of course the singing and dancing around to Christmas music through it all! Those were the feelings on full display that day!

The exchanges between the two older siblings reminded me so much of my older brother and I as kids. We were the best of friends just like these two, and effectively left our youngest brother out of most of our joking and playing around. Sorry little brother! haha Their playfulness was such a pleasure to be around, and, as mom mentioned to me a couple of times, they made their momma's heart smile!

When the decorating was complete, Jenny made sure they all had something yummy to snack on until dinner was ready, while they enjoyed the first Christmas movie of the season. Elf! Which is easily one of my all-time favorites as well! Smiling is, after all, my favorite!! ;) 

Once dinner was ready, it was time to sit down and enjoy the oh so special family dinner time around the table. I just loved their tradition of sharing their best and worst memories of the day. They expanded it to the best and worst of the year, and then went into making their Christmas wish lists. 

Wrapping up the day with an evening of playing, and laughing outside (and possibly causing little sis to shed a tear or two here and there) is another wonderful tradition that these guys share with each other. Being able to give each other their undivided attention, and just enjoying one another was such a wonderful thing to witness. Mark and Jenny have certainly raised some wonderful children, and gifted them with the opportunity to form true bonds with one another in this way. 

I'm so incredibly thankful for Mark, Jenny and the rest of the Miertschin family for entrusting the task of compiling all of the personalities, interactions, and the full range of emotions from that day in photographs . What a day. What a family. What a blessing. 

What a feeling of family!

Always keep it real,
Nikki G.


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