Living and Learning | August 10 on 10 and Motion


August has brought about a brand new element to our family life. My daughter began her homeschool journey as an official Kindergartener! It hasn’t been all fun and games as it’s been a bit of a learning curve for both my sweet girl and myself as teacher. But the joy found in watching her learn new things, and being able to take her on learning adventures like the one pictured below has already made it all worth it.

I once had a fellow mom say to me that I must really like my kids when it was revealed that I would be homeschooling. My response was,

“Well… yeah.”

The truth is, my children drive me crazy just like any other child does their parent. For example, my son is currently refusing his nap, and my patience is running very thing. But I do, in fact, like my children very much! I want them to have a solid education while experiencing the joys of exploring and learning while doing so with me by their side. I do not take this responsibility and opportunity lightly. Especially in knowing that not every family has the option. I am incredibly grateful that we are able to do so with my work from home carrier and the freedom that both homeschooling and working from home provide. We are blessed with the freedom to take our classroom to wherever life may lead, and I absolutely love that. Particularly, when life takes us with Daddy on his day off to Brazos Bend State Park to observe and learn about the alligators and wildlife that are protected within the park. It was a hot summer day, but it was good to be outside and doing something a little different than we normally do. It took us a little while to find the alligators, but the park itself is so beautiful as you can see!

(Be sure to scroll to the bottom to see the film that I put together of our time there! After you check out the photos, of course. You may spot a handful of gators along the way)


Let’s see if you can find all of the alligators in these photos. How many do you see in the first photo below?? Do you see the baby one in the second photo? My eyes were peeled the entire time we were there, and I was very vigilant about making sure my babies didn’t get too close to the water’s edge. If I’m being completely honest, I was a bit of a nervous wreck while we were there!


Thankfully, we came away unharmed and avoided any too close for comfort encounters. We do plan to go back when the observatory is open and check out the night sky. It’s sure to be another wonderful learning experience and time spent together as a family.


Learning while living, and living for making memories is a pretty fantastic way to take on this whole education thing. I love making memories with my family in the big and small ways, and being able to document some of our outings in photos and film provides them with a way to really look back some of our many adventures. More of the action of our day can be seen in the film below.


Can you imagine your family in front of my lens to capture your own interactions?? Do you want to learn more about what that would look like?? Then go ahead and click the button below and we can discuss all of the possibilities!


I look forward to hearing from you!! Until then….

Keep it real,
Nikki Gould


Olive Shoot Photography
Houston Family Photographer
Documentary Family Photographer
Family Photojournalist in Houston