I Love You, My Daughter | February 365


This little girl is my rainbow baby.

She is someone my husband and I longed to meet.

She is the only person, besides her brother, that when met for the first time brought about instant tears. No other meeting in this world brings about the amount of joy than that of meeting a person you yearned for and sought after.

When my 365 challenge was presented for the month of February, and we were asked to focus on one person, it was completely fitting that my daughter would be my person. Of course she would be, it’s her birth month after all. (I did miss a couple of days, so you’ll see a couple of extra face paint photos in there;)


My favorite qualities about my daughter are her overwhelmingly contagious smile, her love for other children, her compassion for those who might be hurting, and her incredible laugh! She does so many things that put the biggest smile on my face, and she knows just what to do to make me laugh! She’s also big on encouraging others, including me, which completely melts my heart every time!

I could not imagine a day without her in my life, and I adore watching her learn, mature and grow into the incredible young woman that she is today! I love you, my daughter!! <3

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I look forward to hearing from you!! Until next time…

Keep it real,
NIkki Gould

Olive Shoot Photography
Houston Family Photographer
Documentary Family Photographer in Houston
Houston Family Photojournalist

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