When Things Don't Go As Planned... | Houston Family Photographer


As I was sitting at my computer last night finishing up my most recent session in hopes to be able to share it with you all today, my computer screen went blue with a message saying that there was an error and it needed to reboot. It's annoying, but at least it was just a reboot... or so I thought. Somehow my editing software was wiped during said reboot, and I was unable to get back into it. I held my head in my hands out of frustration and confusion, and tried to figure out what was going on all while trying to not lose control of my temper and emotions. You see, the past few months have been one thing after another.

The car was in the shop for the 5th time in the past 6 months. The ice maker has stopped working. The hot tub has sprung a leak. Since February, my eyes have been breaking out in weekly unexplainable styes(that's why you may have seen me in glasses or with no makeup). The ac is trying to go out in the car. The potty trained pets, and kids alike, have been having accidents in the house this week. Finances have been less than stellar and relationships have been strained. So my software crashing was pretty much my breaking point. My moment of acceptance that, well... things are just going to go wrong in life, and that the only thing I could do about it was decide how I was going to react to it all. I could either curl up in a ball and feel sorry for myself crying "woe is me", or I could face it head on knowing that I have someone seeing me through it all.

Have you ever been there? Where it seems like everything just isn't going right? That wherever you turn, something is breaking or messes are being made? It's not an easy place to be, and I'm truly sorry if that's what your life looks like in this moment.

The point of this post is not to complain or have you feel sorry for me. My prideful and introverted self does not like being the center of attention or showing my vulnerable side, and wouldn't allow it even if you tried. ;) Rather, the point is to offer some encouragement and comfort to those of you who may need it. Reminding you that there's someone there to carry this burden for anyone who follows Him. Someone much stronger, wiser, and who is in control of all things. 

As a Christian, I am constantly reminded of Jesus' faithfulness to care for His children. To hold me when I'm feeling alone. To offer comfort when nobody even knows I'm hurting. To listen when I need to lay it all out on the line. He is there all of the time. The assurance that comes in knowing that He knew the car was going to break down, or that my program was going to crash, and that He knows and is in control over everything that happens after that is the thing that I hold tight to my chest and what I rely on to see me through anything that happens in life.


"Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." Romans 8:26-28


  Right before everything went dark last night, I was listening to the song below. The lyrics so perfectly placed for that exact moment! Before last night, I have been working in silence. I've kept Spotify turned off, and just been lost in my thoughts on how to edit or what I needed to do next, and enjoying the silence and alone time. Last night, however, I decided to turn it on. I had it on a playlist filled with some Buble, Adele, Mute Math, One Republic... in other words, it wasn't a Christian music playlist. But, in true Spotify fashion, an ad came on highlighting the song below. A song I've heard a handful of times, and absolutely love. So I decided to click on the ad to give it a listen. I then went on to play it a second time, and about midway through is when everything crashed. As I sat wondering what went wrong, I couldn't help but think about how perfect that was. Instead of completely stressing out and feeling helpless, the words to the song were on repeat in my head causing me to smile, even laugh a little. I played it one more time after the crash, this time with my hands in the air and my face lifted to him with joyful tears running down my face. Remembering that even when things go wrong, my hope is in Christ alone. I pray that you are familiar with that Hope, and that this serves as a reminder to trust Him fully. Knowing that He will see you through whatever it is you are facing today and for all of eternity.


Blessings to you my friend,

Nikki G.

Houston Documentary Family Photographer
Servicing the greater Houston Area